Jesus (the perfect God-man) never sinned. He didn't deserve to be punished. Yet Jesus willingly chose to take our place for the sin we deserve eternal punishment. He was God's way of providing a "perfect substitute".
This story demonstrates how we can now enter into a right relationship with God. A relationship where we can experience a life of peace, joy and love with our Creator - NOW. And a relationship with hope and assurance of life FOREVER in His loving presence. Not that we deserve it, but - because of what Jesus has done for us! Jesus (God in the flesh) genuinely loves each one of us so much that He stepped in to suffer the wrath of God poured out upon sin. Your sin. Sin which God hates. Yes, God demonstrated His love in that, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us". (Romans 5:8) Know Jesus?
WELCOMEMay the Lord encourage your walk with Jesus as you make Him known. Categories